Have you ever heard of a yoni massage? A yoni massage is a beautiful, slow massage of the inner and outer lips of the labia and also internally inside the yoni. The intent is to learn a different way of pleasure that will help your partner slow down and experience ecstatic states in different ways than they may have before. Orgasm is not necessarily the goal here. It can be. But this practice is aimed more at learning how to play with energy. Miranda Love calls it a ‘pussy massage’ in her online course. Miranda will guide you through every step of the way for your first pussy massage experience. From the preparation to the setup, communication, boundaries, and how to give the actual massage. A live demo is shown to help you learn exactly what to do.

This massage can help women learn how to orgasm or experience ecstatic pleasure in different parts of their bodies. It can also give women an experience of true surrender. In this massage, there is nothing expected of the recipient. Imagine if I said to you ‘How about tonight you lie down and let me pleasure you with a massage. You don’t need to do anything other than lie there and receive. I am not trying to have sex with you. I just want you to be able to relax with a soft body, calming breath and allow me to share with you some loving touch?’. Does that sound good?

It is definitely a gift your partner will never forget!