Growing up, I feel many of us were taught certain ways to please our partners and that the goal was an orgasm. This creates immense pressure for both people. When you take the goal of orgasm out of the equation, it leaves room for many more different kinds of pleasure.

Are you intimidated by the word Tantra? What does it mean to you? There are many different studies of Tantra that all emphasize different things and it can be very confusing.

Miranda Love, from ‘Let’s Get Real Love’ offers the most tangible explanation on how to give a penis massage that you can get. Her online course is for people who like tangible information with a little light humor. All the strokes are broken down and explained clearly. If this is your first time giving a penis massage, then this course is for you! And it is only $34.95.

This course not only includes a breakdown of all the strokes (shown on a live model), but it will also teach you important communication skills, and how to create a safe space for both you and your partner to give and receive. The idea is that you create an experience where there is no pressure on either person to perform in any way. This massage should be a fun, feel good, playful experience for both you and your partner, where you can really learn what each other needs to be comfortable and successful in this experience, no matter what your desired outcome is.


Training for tantric lingam massage for men